

Helping an Ambitious Brand Realize Its Purpose

Industry: ,

Scope: Brand research and insights, stakeholder interviews and workshops, brand strategy and platform, brand rollout strategy and plan, visual identity, marketing collateral system and templates, website redesign, digital marketing (SEO/SEM, email marketing, LinkedIn marketing, social media marketing), content strategy and thought leadership marketing, environmental design, copywriting, culture branding, event branding, ongoing marketing support

Today’s leading brands have several characteristics in common: they are purpose-driven, relevant, grounded in a company’s business strategy and steeped in its culture.

Bohler’s Purpose: We Empower the Ambitious to Become the Accomplished

Having made a strategic decision to become a purpose-driven organization, Bohler engaged Substance151 in a rebrand to help align brand, purpose and culture; increase visibility, shift perceptions and build awareness in Bohler’s new geographic markets; align its brand and marketing communications with the firm’s corporate goals and priorities; and, ultimately, attract the most ambitious clients and employees to the firm.

Brand Research and Strategy

Substance151 facilitated several input sessions and workshops with internal stakeholders – Bohler’s executive leadership, regional managers and employees; analyzed the competitive landscape; and interviewed Bohler’s most ambitious prospective and current clients to find out what Bohler needs to do to empower them to become the accomplished.

bohler brand strategy

Analyzing all data collected through brand research and turning that information into strategic insight, we determined that a very real need exists for engineering firms to see things from the developer’s perspective.

Bohler’s ideal clients – those who are most ambitious – need to figure out the future if they are going to survive and thrive in the always-changing environment.

As Bohler customers’ needs evolve, the need to think ahead and to realize opportunities that make them “accomplished” will remain a constant.

And to continually evolve and meet the new challenges, Bohler’s customers need a partner that can help them think ahead:

A partner who understands their evolving needs and can look at the total long-term partnership, beyond the narrow scope of a project at hand.

Capitalizing on our brand and customer research, we developed a brand strategy that sets a framework for further defining what the Bohler brand needs to do, say and become in order to strategically shape customer perceptions, attract “ideal” clients and talent and to create differentiation and relevance in the marketplace.

Brand Platform

The new brand platform fully aligns with Bohler’s purpose and makes it more meaningful and tangible for both clients and employees.

  • bohler brand positioning
  • bohler brand promise
  • bohler rebrand value proposition
  • bohler brand essence
  • bohler brand personality

Stemming from the bold purpose “we empower the ambitious to become the accomplished,” the new brand and all of its expressions are equally bold, distinct and memorable.

Brand Expressions

Dropping “engineering” from the firm’s name reflects its ever-expanding scope of services in response to clients’ and real estate development industry’s evolving needs. It’s also symbolic of Bohler’s role that expands far beyond what’s perceived as the traditional “engineer.”

bohler new logo bohler collateral overview brochure bohler collateral overview brochure bohler collateral overview brochure bohler rebrand banners bohler engineering advertising Bohler-web24-responsive-flat-2X Bohler bohler web redesign icons

Internal Communications: Culture Branding and Design

  • bohler culture brand values posters
  • bohler internal brand communications

Thank you for everything you have done for us. We truly look to you as a partner on our journey.

Adam Volanth, PE, President and CEO, Bohler

Your Project + Our Approach = Results

Do you have a branding or marketing project in the works? We’d love the opportunity to share how our approach can help you fast-forwards results. To start a conversation, fill out our project inquiry form, call 410-732-8379 or email.

Project Inquiry