
Substance151 Wins Three Horizon Interactive Awards

The Horizon Interactive Awards, a leading international interactive media competition, announced the 2013 award winners to highlight this year’s “best of the best” in digital media.

Substance151 was recognized in the Nonprofit/Advocacy and Corporate/B2B categories, competing with over 1600 entries from over 24 countries around world. Website redesigns Delaware Valley Green Building Council (DVGBC), Koolhof Earth, and Soltesz placed bronze in the Advocacy/Nonprofit and Corporate/B2B categories.

“The 2013 competition is undoubtedly one of the best showcases of outstanding interactive media in our long competition history,” said Mike Sauce – founder of the Horizon Interactive Awards. “The continued trend of the convergence of multiple forms of digital media into a single interactive experience has yielded a new level of interactivity with technology and blended artistry. Winners in this year’s competition highlight the best blend of technology, cutting-edge thinking, outstanding user experience and overall aesthetics.”

“While Substance151’s primary focus is on addressing the needs of our clients, we are proud of our work that continues to set the standards of excellence for the graphic design discipline,” said Ida Cheinman, principal and creative director of Substance151. “We are honored to add these three awards to our growing list.”