
SMPS Maryland Takes 1st Place in the SMPS Striving for Excellence Awards

The Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Maryland has been recognized with the First Place – Large Chapter award in the annual Striving for Excellence Awards program at the SMPS annual Build Business conference.

The Striving for Excellence (SFE) Awards recognize chapters for excellence in their management and service to members. The SFE scores are based on a chapter’s excellence in program and education goals and achievement; leadership and management; membership growth and retention; communications; and financial health.

Said Ida Cheinman: I am very proud of our chapter and honored to be serving as its president this year. Our board, committees and members have all worked hard toward this goal. As I am wrapping up my year as chapter president, I am grateful for having had this opportunity and am inspired by our success. Looking forward to the next year!

Substance151 also designed the award submission.

SMPS Maryland SFE Award Submision