
Ida Cheinman Presents to NAWIC Baltimore on Green Marketing

Ida Cheinman, Subtance151 principal and creative director, will be presenting to the Baltimore chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) on “Marketing Green: Your Roadmap For a Sustained Competitive Advantage.”

Sustainability has become both a corporate responsibility and a mainstream practice, as well as the new survival strategy for the 21st century. In today’s business setting, environmental and social responsibility is the force driving many purchasing decisions. Being recognized as a “green” firm creates a strong competitive advantage in three critical business areas: brand building, business development, and employee recruitment and retention.

But how do you stand out in the increasingly crowded “green” marketplace? This program will cover the “whys” and the “hows” of creating differentiation through a sound green marketing strategy, as well as most current best practices.

The participants will walk away with a set of practical recommendations that they can immediately use in their marketing programs.